Thursday, 24 March 2011

Rebecca Black: The Parody

Well, I don't need to tell you that their has been an explosion of views for one young girl on Youtube. Rebecca Black's 'Friday' or 'Fried egg' as many have dubbed it. At this point in time, Friday has 43,576,329 views, and it's still rising. The negative feedback is increasing. The original video has 573,788 dislikes to likes. I find it funny that people hate it with such a passion. Now whats strange about this is the fact that her music video was posted months back and has only recently come to light. 

Once I watched this video I had to start searching for parodies, and I have been extremely Surprised by the quality of them. Youtube parodies aren't usually this good. The first spoof I came across is...
I found this one absolutely hilarious, not only for the one liners "Everybody's Russian" and "My hand is a DOLPHIN" but also the voice dub sounds exactly like Christopher Walker. I hate to break it to but this isn't Walker, it isYoutube's man of a kajilion voices Brock Baker. There are a lot of these voice overs but this one of the best ones so far. 

The next video completely changed my impression of this teen friendly pop song. It gave it a parental warning feel.
I can't listen to the original now with out filling in the blanks if you know what I mean. Its refreshingly original and really funny. However due to popular demand from the comments of this video, brenderp's (the creator of this video), posted this...
A little harsh but still clever, although I couldn't listen to it all the way through, I think I would go insane because of that high pitched beep.

Finally, I saw this one while scrolling through the favourites of another Youtuber.It sounds exactly like Elmo and is full of great comic timing. This video was made by JazzaStudios.

I can't help feeling like there is gonna be a hell of a lot more of these parodies. To be honest I can't see them getting any better... 

Now I guess if you have read this short blog you could be wondering how I feel about the song. Like many people, the first time I listened to the song I didn't know what to think. I had to listen to it a second time just to make sure I had heard it right. I'm not in love with the song but she defiantly understood her market (teen pop) and really gets how to make a catchy song. I don't know if she wrote it, but its a song that you won't forget.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Unbelievable MS Paint.

Okay I began writing this blog like this...

Recently I have been joining multiple sites in order to have a "strong" social network behind me. As I have been doing this its kind of dawned on me how much I rely on the INTERNET. I never thought as a child that the Internet would be such an important thing? Its almost like an addiction now... crazy I know but still, when talking to people you get the sense that if the Internet was taken away, the whole of the developed world would come crashing down. It's a dark thought but one that is so true.

How dark is that. I don't want this blog to head down the route of deep theoretical discussions that end up not answering anything but just asking even more questions. Besides those types of questions about humanity don't inspire me. But it did get me thinking about what I used the computer for, before the Internet started to take hold and become one of the most important inventions that has changed my life.

As a child I would sit on my dads computer and head straight to Microsoft Paint. I would sit on there drawing for hours. Usually with the Spray can tool. Unfortunately most of what I created I didn't save, which is a shame, but as a child I didn't understand the idea of 'saving'. However I found one drawing that I did on Paint and I uploaded it to my Deviant Art account.

 This idea of looking back at early work got me searching for what other people created on Paint. It took a while cause there were a lot of lets say rude images (side note: Rude is a funny word isn't it. Even saying it in my head makes me laugh, anyone else? or just me?).  But I did find this Amazingly elaborate drawing that had been created on paint. I won't post the full image on here becuase its redicuously long but Stanley William Moore is the one that created this master piece. Its full of pop culture references and being 10,000px long its definatley the longest drawing in paint that I have found.

I have found another which surprised me not just because of the quality of the image but the near realistic essence of the image. I thought that it was a photograph, but this is a drawing within MS Paint that took 500 hours, aparentley, to finish. I am dumbfounded at this fact. So without further a do, I present Venice

I hope you enjoyed this short blog. If you have found anymore amazing MS Paint images leave a comment cause I would love to see them!!!

My website: click here

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

This blog is turning into my memory stick

This blog feels like its turning into my memory stick rather than a blog? You know what I mean. Anyway I saw this trailer for Baidir which is a french animated film and I fell in love. This Trailer makes me want to pack up and move to France, because the animations that are coming from France are at such a high quality it boggles the mind.

Even though no-one has read these blogs they are becoming (in the 3 days I have been doing them) quite challenging especially when I am trying to find things to post that inspire me. I don't want to just start posting any random thing that captures my eye, like a magpie. By the way I meant captures my eye like a magpie (the way they are attracted to shiny things or so the saying goes) rather than literally showing you a magpie... well what the heck.
Thanks for reading!
(p.s. that's not my painting. It was painted by zetallis